Creative Placemaking for North Finchley Town Centre

Barnet Council launched the Creative Placemaking project to identify and celebrate North Finchley’s many riches, build local pride, and encourage more people to visit the town centre.

The intention is that the process of developing this work will increase the capacity of existing community networks, support the establishment of new groups and build a stronger sense of participation.


The first phase of the Creative Placemaking project included:

  • A Cultural Action Plan to share art and creativity, foster community and support cultural growth in the Town Centre.
  • A Wayfinding Action Plan to better sign local amenities, routes and community destinations and create a sense of arrival when approaching North Finchley.
  • Graphic Identity Guidelines that include a new graphic identity for the Town Centre, this custom-designed website, and suite of graphic templates for promoting North Finchley.

The proposed scope for the second phase of the project is currently being finalised and an update will appear on the website soon.