gather UP! 

Friday 14th June

gather UP!  Friday 14th June, 4pm-8pm

Outside artsdepot

Join us in a celebration of the cultural diversity of North Finchley, we invite you to spend the night enjoying a variety of performances and workshop, accompanied with great food.


Food by:

Yinkasafroeats, African street food – @Yinkasafroeats

Deli House, @delihouseuk


Workshops with:

Noriko Nagaoka  @noriko_nagaoka 

You can book on this free clay pinch pot work here.

Maryam Sandjari Hashemi @marhashem

Ay & I Creations @ayi_creations


Performances by:

London Youth Concert Band @londonyouthconcertband

Inkluder @inkluder

Hertsmere & Tally Ho Reel Club

Bollyx @bollyxwithneeru