Public Realm Design Framework

In April 2022 Barnet Council appointed Momentum Transport consultants and Soundings to develop a Public Realm Design Framework for North Finchley Town Centre. This document is part of a wider piece of work launched by Barnet Council to develop a Public Realm Design Framework for North Finchley Town Centre. Developing this framework together with the…

Creative Placemaking for North Finchley Town Centre

The first phase of the Creative Placemaking project included: A Cultural Action Plan to share art and creativity, foster community and support cultural growth in the Town Centre. A Wayfinding Action Plan to better sign local amenities, routes and community destinations and create a sense of arrival when approaching North Finchley. Graphic Identity Guidelines that…

Creative Placemaking Community Engagement Report

Through a combination of on-street pop-up engagement, online surveys and business surveys, 156 responses were received. These breakdown as; 71 in-person surveys, 62 online surveys and 23 business surveys. This feedback has been distilled into the report below, which can be viewed online or downloaded for offline reading. If you have any comments on the…